Качество на живот

Investment Department - Municipality of Stara Zagora

Quality of life

Quality of life index according to numbeo:

  • Security index - high
  • Health care index - moderate (Health Bub in Bulgaria)
  • Climat conditions - very good (mild winter)
  • Living expenses - very low (600 euros)
  • Propery price compared to income - very low
  • Travel time to work - very low (walking distance 5-10 min)
  • Pollution - low

Standard and Cost of Living

  • EUR 797 average gross monthly salary
  • EUR 1200 average gross monthly salary in the IT sector
  • EUR 200 monthly rent
  • EUR 600 cost of living per month

Future Opportunitioes

  • EUR 1.2 billion as financial aid, 80% for Stara Zagora provided to:
    • - New and start-up companies; - SMEs; - R&D; - Digitization; - Clean energy;
    • - Skilling and re-skilling, etc.
  • Enterpreneurship
  • Good career opportunities in the IT and outsourcing industry

Educational System

  • Trakia University with 10 fields of education
  • Leading University center in the field of Human and Veterinary Medicine
  • Technical College
  • Medical College
  • Testbed
  • 10,000 students from the country and abroad
  • Easy and free access to nurseries and kindergartens
  • Renovated and modern schools
  • STEM education
  • Dual form of education
  • 6th place out of 100 schools in Bulgaria in term of exams for Bulgarian language and literature and Math for students after the 7th grade
  • 22nd place out of 100 in the Bulgarian language and literature exam in the 12th grade

Social and Health infrastructure




Specialized hospitals


Multidisciplinary hospitals


Institutions for social services


Medical centers


Medical facilities for outpatient care


Medical - diagnostic and technical laboratories

Rich Cultural Life

Annual cultural events such as: Festival of Opera and Ballet Art, Festival of Lindens, International Festival of Puppet Theaters for Adults, International Film Festival "Golden Linden", which promotes The European cinema in Bulgaria and shows the latest and most interesting films from various European countries.

State opera

Dramatic theathre "Geo Milev"

State puppet theathre

Music theathre

Regional historical museum

Art gallery

Sports venues and events

Stara Zagora hosts numerous sport events such as the UEFA European Under-17 Championship in 2015, the European Team Championship, the annual Samara Flag International Tournament, the annual Balkan Sports Games and many others. The city's sport facilities, including stadiums like "Verea", "Lokomotiv" and "Beroe", have been completely renovated. The town has modern tennis courts, a renovated swimming pool, new sport fields for football and basketball, street fitness facilities, a new municipal Sports Hall and a new Skate Park. The city has a well-developed bicycle infrastructure, with a total of 8 kilometers of bicycle lanes.

Transport Access

Green Infrastructure

The park system of the city includes a total of 10 parks, in one of which is located the second largest Zoo in the country placed on 70 decares and home for more than 400 animals.

Visit the site of Stara Zagora Zoo:
